Google Ranking Factors: Get to the Top with these 32 Influential Ranking Tips > SEO > Google Ranking Factors: Get to the Top with these 32 Influential Ranking Tips

Everyone wants their website to be ranked in Google. We try different ways but fail to do so. Because many of us are making website Search Engine Optimization (SEO) without proper knowledge of the key ranking factors of Google. Let me elaborate on what sort of factors we should know to rank our websites:

1. Domain Age

Domain age is a factor in Google Ranking. Though it is not a big deal, it requires our consideration.

2. Keyword in Domain Name

Having keywords in/within the domain works as a relevancy signal. Thus,  while buying domains, prefer the keyword-included ones.

3. Country Extension

If there is any country extension (.bd, .cn, .us., etc) then, that domain is likely to get a better ranking in that certain country. Consequently, it will not match up to the worldwide ranking.

4. Short URL

When it comes to website ranking, URL has its part to play. If it is longer then it is bad news for ranking.

5. Keywords in the URL

Use keywords within the URL. It implicates a relevancy signal.

6. Keyword in Title

The keyword in the title helps it to get a higher ranking. A title that starts with a keyword always stays ahead of a title with a keyword at its end.

7. H1 Tag

The H1 tag is the 2nd most important signal that sends a relevancy signal to Google. So, keywords must be inserted into H1 tags.

8. Lengthy Content

Website ranking is highly dependent on the length of its contents. Google prefers large content as it elaborates multiple aspects of a single subject. Pillar  Articles are being more valued by Google. A pillar Article usually refers to an article consisting of 3000 words.

Also read:  Important Facts of Proper Keyword Research for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

9. Latent semantic indexing (LSI) Keyword

The latent semantic indexing (LSI) Keyword must be used for acquiring a better rank in Google. It is related to the keywords. SEO Optimization and On-Page Optimization are ample examples of LSI Keyword.

10. Page Loading Speed

While giving their verdict, Google inspects your website’s page loading speed very thoroughly.  Each and every HTML codes and file size have a massive part to play in this regard.

11. Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is closely related to Page Load Speed, they are directly connected to one another. A slow-loading website drives away visitors. According to a recent Google finding, visitors merely wait for 400 milliseconds before they decide to leave the website.

12. Duplicate Content Kills Your Ranking

Using someone else’s content as your own would be considered a crime by Google. They do not rank websites/websites which has/has duplicate content.

13. Image Optimization

Image Optimization is another key factor of Google ranking. From optimizing the file name, alt Tag, title description, and caption of the image a relevancy signal is received by Google.

14. Keyword Prominence

Keyword Prominence means that the keyword is well within the first 100 words of certain content. It contributes to the betterment of your website’s ranking.

15. Well Organized Keyword

A well-organized keyword order would naturally be ranked higher than a roughly arranged one. Between works such as  ‘Graphic Design Tutorial’ and ‘Tutorial of Graphics Designing’; the first one would be ranked better in comparison.

16. Outbound Link

If the Authority site has an Outbound link attached to it, then it will receive a higher rank.

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17. Correct Spelling and Grammar

Accurate/Correct grammar and spellings of the contents represent quality signals.

18. Use of Multimedia

The adaptation of Multimedia in websites has a big impact on Google’s ranking. Image, Video, Infographics, Audio, and YouTube Videos are fine examples of it.

19. Internal Linking

If a page has Multiple pages linked internally/within, then it is a ranking factor. Because those links convey the significance and association of other pages/websites(?) with your website.

20. Affiliate Links

It is common to have affiliate links on a website.  However, if a website has too many of those, it will be hard to receive a higher rank.

21. Bullet and Number List

Bullet and Number lists make website content more palatable to visitors. That is why professional marketers suggest the use of Bullet and Lists.

22. Ranked Keywords

Another sign of a good website relies on its number of already-ranked keywords. So, previously ranked keywords would help you to get even more keywords to be ranked.

23. Frequently Updated Website

How often a website gets updated also influences Google’s ranking. Constant updates or the addition of new content highlight a website’s freshness.

24. Sitemap

The sitemap makes it easier for Google to index and it also increases visibility. In order to get ranked, a sitemap should be used.

25. Duplicate Meta Description

Any sort of duplicate meta description on the website must be avoided.

26. Optimized for Devices or Responsive Website Design

One of the prime factors of Google ranking is that your website must be optimized for mobile devices. As there are lots of users who use the Internet through mobile devices and the number of users is increasing constantly, Google prioritizes making a website mobile optimized.

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27. Backlinks

Backlinks from older websites are good for ranking.

28. Formatting of Keywords

Your main keywords should be bold, italic, and underlined at each time.

29. Keyword Thickness

The percentage of keywords per content should be kept under 0.7%.

30. WordPress and Yoast Plugin

If you are blogging using WordPress, then you must use the Yoast plugin.

31. Share Your Articles on Google Plus

Don’t forget to share your article on Google Plus after publishing.

32. Secure Your Website with SSL/TLS

Google likes Secured Sites, thus, ranks higher the website that implements SSL. Visitors feel secure seeing the “HTTPS” on the address bar, it’s a trust symbol. By wisely configuring your website with SSL/TLS, it will play a role in ranking your website in Google SERPs.

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