25 powerful tips on Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most vital parts of Digital Marketing. Today we’ll talk about 25 important tips which are crucial for ranking any website. You need to know these. Otherwise, you won’t be able to beat your rival websites in your race to reach your expected position on Google Ranking.

Content is king

1. Content Marketing is the first priority in ranking. So, create quality content as much as possible. The length of the content should be 1000-1500 words range. Google likes big content.

Also, it will raise the number of returning visitors to your website.

In order to write catchy headlines, do your research first.

Page title

2. Every page title must be unique and keyword included. If you want to use your company’s name then use it at the end of the title. The title should be within 60 characters.

Search phrase

3. Focus more on search phrases rather than those single keywords. Also, evaluate long tail keywords.

Make SEO friendly website

4. Ask your web designer to make it an SEO-friendly site. Use the Yoast WordPress Plugin plugin if you’re designing websites using WordPress.

Avoid using iFrame and flash

5. Avoid using frame, flash, and AJAX on your website. Google doesn’t like these, because they reduce loading speed.

Quality backlink, not quantity

6. While link building, prioritize quality over quantity. Link to good-quality sites rather than linking to low-quality sites.

Avoid keyword stuffing

7. Avoid keyword stuffing and sustain the natural flow. Amateurs tend to commit this mistake. The use of keywords in the article should not exceed 0.8 percent.

User friendly website

8. Website should be user-friendly. Make sure that the visitors are getting easy access to what they’ve come for.

Also read:  10+ Image SEO Tips [Updated]
Link to .edu sites

9. Try linking to those aim-based .edu sites. Google prefers these sites more.

Build link not spam

10. Link is the next most important factor after Content. So, link to those effective links with caution. Do not try to cause any harm to your precious website by creating spamming links.

Attach Call-to-action button

11. Attach “Call to Action” with your article. It should be sensible enough. Remember to place it in an ‘easy to spot’ position.

Use keyword filled caption

12. Use keyword-filled captions in the images. Most people only use keywords in file names but do not use any keywords in the captions.

Match image with content

13. Pay attention to the image surrounding the contents. Those contents should be image-relevant,  having similar keywords, captions, and file names.

Social Media Marketing

14. Now, Social Media Marketing is an integral part of SEO. So, keep an eye on it too!

Allow customer acitvities

15. Leave scopes for customer activities such as review rating, commenting, and sharing on your website.

Do not worry about page rank

16. Do not waste your time worrying about page ranking. Because it doesn’t matter in SEO.

Build decent relation with targeted bloggers

17. Build a decent relationship with your targeted bloggers. It will help in strengthening your backlink. It also helps you find SEO-related updates or newer marketing strategies.

Image ALT text

18. Apply ALT text in the images. Remember, using keywords is a must in ALT text.

Attach related video

19. Try to attach article-related videos to your content.

Eye on your rivals backlink

20. Be watchful of your rivals’ backlinks. Always try to know where they are making backlinks and how many it is.

Remove ineffective content

21.  Delete the most ineffective content from your website.

Put social sharing buttons

22. Set the social share button on your website in a way that makes it easy to find.

Also read:  5 SEO Tools that would make your SEO works smoother, better
Avoid excessive ads

23. Avoid feeding excessive ADs. It reduces the page’s loading speed and causes annoyance among visitors.

Use Google Analytics

24. Use Google Analytics and strategize for your SEO according to it.

Provide RSS subscription

25. Keep your website or blog’s Subscribe option (RSS Feed) open. It would help you in E-mail marketing.

Category SEO

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