Using Popover on Hover with Twitter Bootstrap in Joomla 3 > Joomla 3.0 > Using Popover on Hover with Twitter Bootstrap in Joomla 3

Presenting a notification text to the user using the “Popover” Javascript that comes built-in with Twitter Bootstrap in Joomla 3.1.1 is very easy. The official documentation of Twitter Bootstrap tells everything you need to understand it.

Recently I use it on a website for my client. I wrote the following code for my Popover:

<a rel="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-trigger="hover" data-content="Let us see what is inside..." data-original-title="Tips" href="my_link_goes_here">
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Lastly, Popover is triggered using the following jQuery code:

<script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {

In my HTML mark, I used data-trigger=”hover” to show popover on cursor hover. There are four options for “data-trigger”: click, hover, focus, and manual.

Hope this helps!

Also read:  Get any property of the active menu item class in Joomla! 3
Category Joomla 3.0

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